Saturday 29 October 2011

Live the best of seven freshwater basin stations your

There are several benefits of biota in freshwater basin. Add oxygen plants to your fish tank, and also act as complementary biological filters help keep cleaning your aquarium. Fish, in turn, CO2 and nutrients for plants. Live aquatic plants are good for you too-look great and make your aquarium look more like a natural habitat. Between making, fish, and plants happy and healthy, which is a bonus!

Many factors are applied when you search for possibilities of factory:

One: water parameters. water parameters of things in certain levels, such as water temperature and Ph. When many mineral content of water is difficult.

Two: substrate. substrate of plants or animals that live on the surface. (You can grow in rock, gravel or dirt? do you float like a lily plant?)

Three: lighting -aquatic plants need light to grow.

Four: compatibility- if you have a fish that is alashbiat, for example, consider ferns And your weeds as good as salad.

Best plants are flexible in all factors mentioned above except the last. There are seven types of aquatic plants that Hardy and attractive also upheld in your Aquarium:

: Java ferns. (Mikrosoriom betirobos). Ferns Java tends to be about eight inches with thick leaf-shaped tall. They grow well in water with a pH between 5.5 to 7.5 pH, temperatures between 68 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They have the potential to grow even in low-lit tank and requires water hardness between 2 15 degrees. Ferns Java grow best when linked floating driftood instead of planting roots.

: Sword Amazon. (Achinodoros amasonikos). Amazon sword grow 20 inches and has green leaves widely the fan out. It will grow best in a tank with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. It requires water temperatures are regulated between 72-82 degrees. As regards lighting provides 50 watts for each 25 gallons of water. And require the same water hardness "Java ferns" planted in the substrate should be loose and iron fertilizer.

Three: the sword of Argentina. (Achinodoros argintininces). Argentine grow long swords such as 18 inches, and had a long and thin stems. Thrive in water temperature 77 °, and 60 require invasive water hardness. Otherwise identical needs specific care Amazon sword.

Four: Bolisberma higrovila. bolisberma higrovila tall, 24 inches. It grows in bunches and may leave small reddish or green. Tank level must be between pH 6.5 and temperature between 68-85. Lighting, water hardness requirements are the same sword plants. Cut bolisberma higrovila all that often, so they tend to expand. For this reason it might be wise to put in the centre tank and back, even room for growth.

Umbrella factory five: -(Alisi sbathivilom). Umbrella plants can be anywhere between 8 to 12 inches tall. They have a tall, thin stems with small leaves at the top of each stem branch this off in a star shape. High maintenance plants Wallace pH need level between 5-7 and the temperature between 72-78. They need the intensive light of growth and water hardness measuring between 4 to 12 degrees. Plants are aquatic plants actually umbrella and will die if submerged completely in water. You still have these wonderful vegetables as part of your fish only Habitat grow plants on Earth, submerged roots below.

Six: cyclones valisneria -this is like grass, grows to 24 inches. It requires a ph between 6.5 and 7.5 60 water temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Should be 50 watts of light per 50 gallons of water, and water hardness should be between 5 to 15 degrees. Good plants for screw valisneria beginning its akwaristes a wide range of water parameter requirements. These plants look better along the sides or rear of your aquarium.

Seven: barteri anobias -anobias plant barteri is wide broad green leaves grow as tall as 16 inches. And water temperature should be between 72-82 degrees to only pH level of between 6.5 and 7.5. These are also singers, insist on moderate lighting and water hardness 8 °. They grow best with carbon dioxide fertilization.

All factories that are discussed in this article looks great in an aquarium. The first three are best for if you're a newbie because of their flexible. But as always, do your research before buying.

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