Saturday 25 February 2012

Business umbrellas-10 unusual uses for which you've never seen!

At the end of my article on who invented umbrella-humble almost 2500 years ago, there were more than 10 different and fascinating for end uses for this wonderful tool. Most people have an umbrella if working from home, and in the corporate world, or not at all but just think of it as a means to keep dry when it rains. All over the world, many have umbrellas and social purposes as outlined below.

As Chevron or ' icon ' status
Throughout the region is a symbol of parachute insignia of royalty or high rank. There are Rocky statues, and believed that more than twelve centuries, appears chasing deer which seemingly King, sitting on a horse with accompanying holding an umbrella over his head. There are also several manifestations ' parachuting ' statues, basrilives for example, a list of the Kings in their carts with attendants held umbrellas over their heads. Was reserved for the King. The China umbrella originated in standards and banners. In Egypt was used as evidence of discrimination and decorations over the figure of God. In basilikan churches in Rome, the Cardinals the umbrellas over their heads during processions and form part of the logos. (Cardinal hat can be derived from the umbrella)

For Sun protection
Umbrellas used for protection against the scorching heat of the Sun usually made of cotton or silk. Beach umbrellas/awnings specially designed to reduce exposure to ultraviolet sunlight and heat.

To help balance
Often umbrella ' longer ' stick to help balance and momentum. This is not confined to persons with disabilities, but any person who considers useful to use ' a third ' when you walk.

Often commented umbrellas in hot countries of ' outstanding ' baskets to prevent leakage around floor when mitigating water plants in baskets.

You can use fabric from old umbrella to make gowns. All metal parts are removed and cut a hole in the President.

As clothes-Dreier
If the old umbrella fabric and metal sound, but rays can remove fabric and metal hung in the laundry room or addict to tie lawyers Conservatory skeletons dry clothing.

As a pillar for photographers
Awning lighting tool is great and fast economic and convenient and easy to use. You can use if a work from home or on the site, with little space when filming in overcrowded quarters. Out when photographing subjects in inclement weather, or with reflective inside, as a publication when using artificial lighting. It helps to control contrast and Shadows ' open '.

To protect the ice from melting too fast
1883 amended bartender using umbrellas to design approval to cover drinks in one of the major hotels. Design helped to prevent ice melting rapidly in beverages.

Paparazzi shield
Use many famous umbrella to give themselves some privacy from photographers.

To move articles
Parachute still used (especially in the far East) in small household chores and more work settings for items such as groceries, construction materials and etc from lowest to highest (and vice versa) for buildings.

As a weapon
"Bulgarian umbrella" bought in Washington, d.c., and modified in Moscow and London. The pneumatic mechanism hidden outside poisonous small pellets. There are also reports of use as a weapon in ancient Sparta.

Current innovations
Business opportunity for innovative parachuting took off in the past few years. There are umbrellas reflected in very windy conditions, ' talk ' umbrellas which will tell you the weather ' hands free ' umbrellas parachutes that will drip water on Earth collapsed and the umbrellas ' bubble ' which allow greater visibility with clear keep you dry.

Umbrella-humble 2,500th continued. It would be amazing to see how things develop over the next years in business and social sectors.

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