Saturday 4 February 2012

Death doom brolis-umbrella what to see

"Umbrella" the best-known incident involving abuse of broly, and took place in the streets of London in 1978. Georgi Markov, Bulgarian novelist and playwright, who fled from Communist State to work for "BBC World Service", "Reaper" after stabbing an umbrella include pellet of poison, while waiting at a bus stop on Waterloo Bridge. Reportedly, a man with umbrella apologized in a foreign accent and then came out. Later that day, and Markov high fever hospital, and died.

Given the suspicious nature of his death, Scotland Yard ordered a thorough investigation, including an autopsy, where they discovered a metal pin-sized spherical pellet in Markov's calf muscle. Pellet of Iridium Platinum and 10% in 90 per cent and has drilled holes that were found traces of poison known as ricin. Ricin came to special sugar material designed to melt at body temperature, releasing the poison into the bloodstream once pellet hit its mark. Ricin, a Castor plant produces protein found in the walgzeaih holidays, but more focused on seeds. And highly toxic to man, and has no known antidote.

Another person not Markov suffer death umbrella; in 2003, 11 year old beaten to death by her parents after his umbrella away from home in Atlanta, Georgia. She was in a room and starved before being beaten, and record cause of death as blunt force trauma '.

Recently, the Court in Rome Roman woman stabbed to death another passenger subway's umbrella in Rome. Year 21 female victims, Vanessa Russo, tingling in the eye with the tip of an umbrella, and died two days later in hospital. Roman was captured on CCTV camera subway station, and was sentenced to 16 years. The news sparked calls for tougher laws on migrants in Italy, although the incident doesn't seem to have an impact on the number of passengers taking a short break in Rome.

The vast majority of the United States and continue to parachute a useful tool to keep us dry when the open sky, but in the wrong hands, can become lethal weapons modest household item.

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